what was the most salient sentiment you felt on the day your son was born?

Fear. His birth was a difficult one. I had to have an emergency c-section because he was breech and couldn't be turned. That piled on top of the fact that I knew I was going to be doing it all alone. It was just... fear.

if you were to fall into sudden fame, what do you think it'd be for?

Nothing good. Boy oh boy, I cannot accurately express how little I would enjoy fame.

is there anything about the way you were raised you're particularly thankful for? anything you'd like changed?

I'm thankful that I got to travel and see parts of the world most Americans don't have the luxury to see. I'm thankful that my parents were not cruel people. I'm less thankful for how absent my parents felt. I only ever felt like I was part of a family unit when my dad was deployed.

what's a description of your closest friendship, in five words?

She's been there through everything.

when you hear the phrase 'expand your horizons,' what's the first thing that comes to mind?

Travel. And reading. I think those are the two fastest ways to learn more about the world and yourself.

what do you have against moles?

Nothing in particular, really. I just didn't want to spend an afternoon telling a bunch of people to go to their doctor if they're worried about melanoma.

which basic knowledge did you totally forget for a moment?

I have forgotten speech on many recent occasions.

what do you want your last words to be?

"I love you." I think that would be the most succinct and meaningful thing to have as my last words. I want to go out knowing that the people I love feel that love.

what old person things do you do?

I do a lot of old person things. So many. People I love make fun of me for it. All of my favorite TV shows are from before I was born, I rub Tiger Balm on my joints more than twice a week, I go to bed early most nights. The list goes on and on.

what is your 'phone started ringing at the wrong time' incident?

I've had one or two embarrassing moments at work, but my real answer is the time my dad called mid-fellatio and a big ol' picture of him popped up right in my line of sight. There you go. No secrets here. Feel my pain.

so a battle royale in ikea goes down. how do you survive?

I hide in the warehouse part and drop flat pack furniture onto people's heads from the top of shelves. Everyone's going to spend all their time trying to be clever with the stuff in the showroom. No.

you have one hour to ruin your life. How do you do it?

Why am I ruining my life, though? I spend all of my savings hiring a social media influencer to film me doing some shit I would not normally let the public see.

what have you really been into lately?

Sleep, The Golden Girls, pie and cake decorating videos on Instagram.

what seemed like a good idea at the time, but turned into disaster?

My entire love life. Everything else has been pretty chill.

what has made you change your entire perspective on life?

Are you prepared for this completely unexpected answer? Having my kid. Suddenly learning that the entirety of human existence does not revolve around my dumb emotions and someone needing me for basic survival has really opened my eyes to just how much time I was wasting on unimportant things.

what were the consequences of your actions, without telling us what your actions were?

Option one: I didn't get what I wanted and I spent a lot of time regretting it.
Option Two:

what was your raging teenage obsession?

Joshua Jackson's dumb face on dumb Dawson's Creek. Damn you, Pacey Witter. Fun fact, I was also obsessed with Joshua Jackson's dumb face as a kid. Damn you, Charlie Conway.

what would be your 4th wish if granted one?

This means I have to think of the other three first. Sneaky. Okay. Jeremiah's set, Cara's set, superheroes and villains cease turning San Francisco into death and rubble. So I guess my fourth wish is a house.

ok another battle royale breaks out in a library, how do you survive?

Reference section. Again, I'm just hiding on top of shelves and throwing down heavy stuff. This is the best strategy. You can't convice me otherwise.

how are you doing today??

I have been better. I'll be really honest.

what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Plain chocolate. I'd say I'm boring, but this is the only correct answer outside of Cherry Garcia.

how do you take your coffee?

Flavored lattes. Sometimes soy or coconut milk. Usually iced, but beggars can't be choosers.

is what you're doing now what you always wanted to do growing up?

No, I wanted to be a teacher until I was fifteen and then I wanted to be a neurobiologist who studied the effects of modern warfare on the human brain. But then I met some rad nurses who showed me that there was a better way.

what makes you feel accomplished?

Watching the fear turn to relief on a kid's face. Getting through the day without a tension headache. A full night's sleep. It's small victories over here.

who is that one person you can talk to about just anything?

Cara Davies. She gets me even when she doesn't get me.

is there anything you would change about yourself?

I would change how I react to things sometimes. I'd be cooler or easier to be around. I'd hide my emotions better.

if you're in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up?

It depends on why I'm in a bad mood. I like having people to help cheer me up, though. It helps a hundred times over if I know I have someone to turn to. I'm bad at working through anything alone.

what's an ideal day for you?

Pancakes, the aquarium with the kid, a good lunch, Jeremiah goes to his dad's for the night without a meltdown, someone comes over to keep me company, sex, bath, sleep.

what's your idea of a perfect vacation?

One for which I do not have any responsibilties. No decision making, no financial obligation, no schedules. Just a lot of relaxing and wandering.

when have you felt your biggest adrenaline rush?

One time, I woke up naked floating in the sky.

what's on your bucket list this year?

Going on a vacation to a place I've never visited.

where is your favorite place in the entire world to go?

Home. Or Bavaria at Christmastime. I used to love it when I was a kid and I went back when I was in college and it was still the best.

what's something you can't go a day without doing?

Drinking coffee. I will actually get headaches if I do not. Saying hello and good night to Jeremiah. When I work late, I always take a break at eight to say good night to him.

what is the weirdest thing about you?

Recent developments would be a good example of the many weird things about me. But we'll go with my almost encyclopedic knowledge of MASH episodes.

if you could tell your younger self one thing right now, what would it be?

Don't give your address to strangers on the internet, one day you won't feel so lonely, and some day you're going to be exactly where you need to be to feel like you're living the best life imaginable. Joy will find you every time.

what was the last book you read?

I had to look at my Goodreads because I had no idea. Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri.

have you ever seen something you can’t explain?

Yes. A lot of things. Recently.

what would you consider to be your deepest fear?

The death of my child or myself.

What was the last funny video you saw?

This one.

What was the last time you worked incredibly hard?

Today. At work. I work incredibly hard every day.

What three words best describe you?

Busy, tired, dedicated.

What is a controversial opinion you have?

Apparently it is controversial to believe that there are not two sides to the vaccination debate. That there is fact and lies and no valid argument between the two. Also, other things that you know about already.

What word or saying from the past do you think should come back?

Anything from the early 90s. I was thrilled when "dope" came back. More please.

How should success be measured? By that measurement, who is the most successful person you know?

Success should be measured by how positively you affect humanity. In small ways and in big ways. If you are a good person who does what you can to support other beings, you are successful. If you work hard and set a good example, congrats. You're succesful. If you work a minimum wage job but you make your kids feel loved and respected? Oh damn. Successful as fuck. The most successful person I know is you. Don't look at me like that, Cara Davies. Just accept it.

If you could learn the answer to one question about your future, what would the question be?

What do I need to do to insure Jeremiah's happiness as an adult?

What smell brings back great memories?

The first one that came to mind was grape Lip Smackers. It remnds me of the summer my mom and I spent together visiting family and never once fighting.

Who would be the worst person to be stuck in an elevator with? How about the best person to be stuck in an elevator with?

The worst would be Donald Trump because he can't shut his mouth for one goddamn second and he doesn't know the meaning of the word no and he probably smells like old KFC oil. The best would be Parker Reilly because he'd be funny and he's a calming presence in a crisis. .

What movie scene choked you up the most?

The scene in Hope Floats when Bernice is crying and chasing after her dad and he wants nothing to do with her. That one has gotten me since I was a kid.

When was the last time you went to a movie theater?

A few weeks ago. I saw Bohemian Rhapsody and did not enjoy it as much as I thought I was going to.

What book has had the biggest impact on your life?

I can't say that there's been on single book that can take the title of most influential. I feel like the culmination of my literary experience is more the winner here.

What was the last song you listened to?

"Juice" by Lizzo

What is the strangest app you have heard of or tried?

I have an app on my phone that is supposed to recommend movies to you based on your opinions of other movies but I literally just use it for rating movies mindlessly when I'm bored or overwhelmed. Does this count?

What defines a sport? Is fishing a sport? How about video game tournaments?

Sports are generally physical activities that require some skill that can be honed. So sure. If we wanna get technical, fishing can be a sport. If golf can be a sport, sure. Go nuts. Video game tournaments, no. But that doesn't mean video game tournaments aren't important and valid. They're just not a sport. Exceptions to the rule: DDR. I'll allow those.

Do you prefer to go off the beaten path when you travel?

To a degree, yes. I like to wander and look up. But I'm also constantly concerned about accidentally stumbling into a cultural faux pas. So if I'm going to a place with cultural aspects vastly different than my American experience, I tend to do more research.

What piece of technology would look like magic or a miracle to people in medieval Europe?

I mean, flushing toilets and clean water from taps would do the trick. Antivirals. VACCINATIONS. I swear I'll stop eventually. Narrator: She never stopped. Not until the day she died.

Does fashion help society in any way?

I had a whole essay about how, historically speaking, fashion has been very useful, but then I realized it was all garbage and I deleted it. Because the truth is, no. Not to society itself. It's not fashion that keeps us happy. It's style. You see where I'm going with this?

What do you think of standardized tests?

As someone who has always been very good at standardized tests, they always made me feel accomplished and validated in school, but as an adult, I think they're pretty much garbage. I understand the importance of testing, but I will never ever ever EVER understand the model of funding schools based on standardized testing scores. And same goes for college acceptance/entrance exams. I don't know how it works now. I haven't had to apply for college in a hundred thousand years. I hope they use different standards now.

When was the last time you had a food fight?

I'm a lover not a fighter. Obviously this is not true. A few days ago, apparently. I don't remember it, but whoo.

What food looks disgusting but tastes delicious?

Hi, Dinty Moore Beef Stew is basically dog food, but I will eat it every time.

Would you rather the general public think you are a horrible person but your family be very proud of you or your family think you are a horrible person but the general public be very proud of you?

I'm going to choose for my family to be proud of me every time, but fuck if that isn't a hard choice? I want everyone to like me and think I'm an angel. Always. This is awful.

The great Michael Scott thought point: Would you rather be feared by all or loved by all?

Loved by all. Every time.

Would you rather go back to age 5 with everything you know now or know now everything your future self will learn?

Know now everything my future self will learn. Because that will give me more time to sleep. But really, what's Five-Year-Old Jules going to do with all of this knowledge other than freak out her peers and maybe wash her apples before she eats them? I'd still make dumb teenager mistakes later because I'm still making them now.

What’s your “go to” joke?

I'm an observation comic, I do not have "go to" jokes. "Twenty years from now, kids are gonna think "Baby it's cold outside" is really weird, and we're gonna have to explain that it has to be understood as a product of its time. You see, it used to get cold outside." That one made me laugh and cry a little

What are some unwritten life rules?

Be kind. Drink water. Sleep sometimes. Remind yourself of what's good when you feel bad.

What isn’t item but you desperately wish it was?

Please tell me what you actually meant to say here because I'm dying to know, but I'm keeping this in because I want everyone to know how charming you are even when you do a whoopsie.

What’s the best “hidden gem” that you’ve found locally?

Magnolia Brewing or Koja Kitchen Food Truck. This question is better for you.

What would you name your boat if you had one?

SS Space Fish

Worst purchase you've ever made. Could be the previously mentioned boat.

My first car. It was used and awful and half the parts were recalled in the first three months I owned it. And then I got in a car accident and it was out of my life forever. Get gap insurance, kids.

If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

How am I doing? On a scale of 1-10.

If you were given a one-minute ad slot during the Super Bowl that you couldn’t sell, what would you fill it with? I think I know the answer to this.

Me. Talking frankly and quickly. About vaccinations and sports-related traumatic brain injuries. Or just, like... those ASPCA Sarah McLachlan commercials? But pictures and videos of kids who contract preventable illnesses because you're an asshole, Janet. You saw that coming.

What would be on the gag reel of your life?

Me dropping food on myself every day of my life. Every day. My breasts aren't even that big. How does this happen?

If your life was a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack?

Putting actual thought into this is just so much work and I want to cry thinking of all the good songs I'd miss. So instead here are some songs I remember loving and, should you be asked to consult on a movie about my life, you can have this list to reference. Gloria Estefan- "1,2,3,4", Cyndi Lauper- "She Bop", Hanson- "MmmBop", No Doubt- "Spiderwebs", Fleetwood Mac- "Rhiannon", Queen- "Fat Bottomed Girls", Queen- "Bicycle", Dolly Parton- "9 to 5", Mariah Carey-"Always Be My Baby", Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch- "Good Vibrations", Salt n Pepa- "Push It", Britney Spears-"Lucky", 'N Sync- "Sailing", 'N Sync- "Here We Go", 'N Sync-"Crazy For You", 'N Sync -"Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays", Nirvana- "Heart-Shaped Box", Trapt -"Echo", My Chemical Romance - everything from every album don't come for me I was weird in college.

If coffee was illegal, what would its street name be?

Seph. Get it? Joe. Joseph. Seph. THE DRIP. I'm so tired.

When I get a star named after you, what will that name be? I already have it picked, but insight never hurts.

Just the sound of my sobbing. Or all the lyrics to Eleanor Rigby.

what's a secret you kept in childhood and never told anyone before?

I would sit in my window and watch the neighbor boy play basketball until he politely asked me to stop and I wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

what's a regret that you have?

I regret every time I prioritized work over my kid. Or rather, whenever I prioritized trying to calm my own dread by working instead of spending time with my kid.

what's the best way to win you over?

Be nice to my kid. Kittens. Chocolate croissants.

top five places you want to go, if you had an unlimited budget?

Iceland, China, Kenya, New Zealand, Hawaii.

same unlimited budget: what's the top five things you would buy?

A house, a new car, all new equipment for the hospital (stop, I can't help myself), all the toys and climbing towers and stuff for a cat that I would adopt, a new bed.

pick three pieces of media to give to someone else to help them understand you better.

Nurse Jackie but just all the nurse bits not the addiction bits to better understand my work, Addams Family Values to better understand my humor, and... fuck it. They will tease me but I will persist. This or this.

what's the most embarrassing thing you've done in public when you thought no one was looking?

Adjusted my underwear. Look, thongs were a dark time in my life.

Why are you so sexy?

How can you read all of this and come to this same conclusion? I'm guessing you can't. Or you're blinded so much by all my charms that none of it matters to you. In which case, ha. I got you. But just remember what I said about nursing bras, okay?